Notice on the Release of the Implementing Measures of the Shanghai Stock Exchange for the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect (2024) and Related Matters

Shang Zheng Fa [2024] No. 76

To All Market Participants,

To further expand the scope of eligible ETFs under the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and improve the stock connect scheme, the Shanghai Stock Exchange ("SSE") has revised the Implementing Measures of the Shanghai Stock Exchange for the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect (2024) ("Implementing Measures"). Following its approval by the CSRC, the Implementing Measures are hereby released with immediate effect. The Implementing Measures of the Shanghai Stock Exchange for the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect (2023) (Shang Zheng Fa [2023] No. 53) issued on March 3, 2023 expire at the same time. To ensure the smooth implementation of the Implementing Measures, notice is hereby given on the following matters.

I. Arrangements for the First Review and Adjustment of Northbound ETFs after Effectiveness of the Updated Implementing Measures

1. June 17, 2024 (Northbound ETF Periodic Adjustment Review Day) is the review date for the first round of inclusion of ETFs into the Northbound Trading Link after effectiveness of the revised Implementing Measures. SSE-listed stock ETFs that meet the criteria set forth in Article 26 of the Implementing Measures on this date will be added to the Northbound ETFs, except for those that are removed from Northbound ETFs before the effective day for the inclusion for a cause under Article 29 of the Implementing Measures.

2. Any SSE-listed stock ETF that has been added to the list of Northbound ETFs, will be removed from the list if it falls under a circumstance set forth in Article 27 of the Implementing Measures on June 17, 2024 (Northbound ETF Periodic Adjustment Review Day).

3. The list of changes to the Northbound ETFs will be announced by the securities trading service company of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong ("SEHK") on July 12, and is due to take effect on July 22.

II. Arrangements for the First Review and Inclusion of Southbound ETFs after the Effectiveness of the Updated Implementing Measures

1. June 17, 2024 is the review date for the first round of inclusion of ETFs into the Southbound Trading Link after effectiveness of the revised Implementing Measures. SEHK-listed stock ETFs that meet the criteria set forth in Article 76 of the Implementing Measures on this date will be added to the Southbound ETFs, except for those that are removed from Southbound ETFs before the effective day for the inclusion for a cause under Article 79 of the Implementing Measures.

2. SEHK-listed stock ETFs that have been added to the list of Southbound ETFs, will not be reviewed on the foregoing review date for potential removal from the list.

3. The list of ETFs newly added to Southbound ETFs will be announced by the securities trading service company of SSE on July 12, and is due to take effect on July 22.

III. Interim Arrangements

Some of the existing arrangements for Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect will continue to be in effect after the updated Implementing Measures comes into force (please refer to Annex 3 for details).


1. Implementing Measures of the Shanghai Stock Exchange for the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect (2024)

2. Drafting Notes on the Implementing Measures of the Shanghai Stock Exchange for the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect (2024)

3. Interim Arrangements for the Implementing Measures of the Shanghai Stock Exchange for the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect (2024)

Shanghai Stock Exchange

June 14, 2024

This courtesy translation is for reference only. The original text in Chinese shall prevail under all circumstances.