Twenty-two Innovative Drug Companies on the STAR Market Release Semi-annual Reports, Showcasing a Combined Operating Revenue of RMB 28.4 Billion

Translated from China Business Network

So far, 22 innovative drug companies listed on the STAR Market have released their semi-annual performance data, marking that the disclosure process for such companies on the STAR Market is halfway complete. The combined semi-annual operating revenue of these companies reached RMB 28.4 billion, representing a 69.21% increase year on year. The net profit attributable to their parent companies arrived at RMB 1.49 billion, shifting from loss to profit when compared with the same period last year, with more than half of these companies witnessing improved profitability. In general, innovative drug companies listed on the STAR Market are swiftly converting their clinical advantages into industrial benefits and are progressively moving towards commercialization or cashing period of their licensing out both domestically and internationally. Overall, their performance is evidently on an upward trajectory.

The above information is provided for reference purposes only and does not constitute investment advice.