SSE Holds Investor Protection Event Themed "Comprehensive Registration System, Reform towards the Future"

On March 15, 2023, the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) held an investor protection event themed "Comprehensive Registration System, Reform towards the Future". During the event, it honored the prize-winning institutions and individuals in the 2022 Members’ Investor Education and Protection Award, launched the 2023 SSE "Investor Service Week", and held an Open Day of "Visiting the SSE" for the Investor Education Base.

As the reform of the full implementation of the registration-based IPO system is in orderly progress, the SSE has established a selection and publicity mechanism of members’ investor education and protection, with a view to increasing incentives for members, promoting the exchange of good experience, further integrating investor education and protection resources within the industry, and enhancing the synergy in general investor protection. This event on the 2022 Members’ Investor Education and Protection Award is the first time that the SSE has awarded and commended its members for their efforts in investor education and protection. In the selection, 10 securities companies, including Essence Securities Co., Ltd., were awarded the SSE's "2022 Outstanding Investor Education Members", 10 securities companies, including Changjiang Securities Co., Ltd., were awarded the SSE's "2022 Special Award for Member Cooperation in Investor Education Activities", and 10 securities companies, including Soochow Securities Co., Ltd., were awarded the SSE's "2022 Special Award for 'I am a Shareholder' Activity". Thirty front-line investor education staff at securities companies were awarded the "2022 Outstanding Investor Education Workers", and 15 member investor education and protection cases, including "Gathering the rhythm of nine rivers to depict the landscape of investor protection" from Bohai Securities Co., Ltd., were awarded the "2022 Investor Protection Excellent Practice Award". During the event, some of the prize-winning institutions shared their experiences in investor education and protection.

To further improve investor education and protection in the context of the full implementation of the registration-based IPO system, the SSE, together with the CSRC Shanghai Office, China Securities Investor Services Center, member representatives, media representatives and investor representatives, launched the SSE's "Investor Service Week" brand campaign for 2023. With the theme of "Comprehensive Registration System, Reform towards the Future", this year's SSE "Investor Service Week" will take the form of joint investor education with members, integrating thematic presentations, visits to SSE listed companies, communities, business offices, universities, the SSE and other investor education activities. This is expected to provide investors with one-stop comprehensive services and guide them to form a correct understanding and reasonable expectation of the comprehensive registration system and the high-quality development of the Shanghai stock market. After the launching ceremony, the SSE held an Open Day for its Investor Education Base. Investors and related personnel were hosted at the SSE Investor Education Base and offered their opinions as well as suggestions on its operation.

Officials of the SSE said that under the unified leadership of the China Securities Regulatory Commission and with the strong support from the CSRC system and member institutions, the SSE has been deepening its investor protection practices with Chinese characteristics in recent years and made positive progress, as evidenced by the "five improvements". The first is to improve its political stance, solidify the foundation of understanding of the political and people’s nature of capital market supervision, and enhance the political awareness of investor protection. The second is to optimize business rules to promote the construction of a concise and friendly rule system and promote the disclosure of various self-regulatory standards. In 2022, the SSE formulated and revised 117 business rules and guidelines and abolished 183. This has further improved the institutional system for investor protection. The third is to strengthen self-regulation to optimize investor returns. In 2022, the SSE issued 186 disciplinary decisions and took 3,969 self-regulatory actions. From 2017 to 2021, SSE-listed companies paid a cumulative RMB 5.6 trillion yuan in dividends, further enhancing investors' sense of gain. The fourth is to deepen reform and innovation, steadily develop bond and public REITs markets, promote innovation in ETF and derivatives, and expand the scale of indices and indexed products, so as to further enrich investors' wealth management tools. The fifth is to deepen investor services and launch a variety of investor education products and activities to further popularize the concept of rational investment, value investment and long-term investment. Looking forward, the SSE will thoroughly implement the concept and requirement of "open-door review, open-door supervision and open-door service" in its investor education and services, constantly improve the political stance of investor protection, improve the investor protection system and mechanism, enhance the effectiveness of front-line self-regulation, promote the innovative development of products and businesses, guide rational, value and long-term investment, and provide effective services for investors to embrace the registration system and enjoy high quality development.

2022 Award-winning Institutions and Individuals for Members’ Investor Education and Protection of Shanghai Stock Exchange