SSE Strives to Build Enterprise Digital Service Ecology to Empower Real Economy through Digital Transformation

To thoroughly implement the new development concept and accelerate the building of a new development pattern, the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) actively promotes the deep integration of technology and business, advances the digital transformation of market services, and improves the quality and efficiency of serving the real economy. In the process of strengthening services for the real economy, the SSE leverages its advantages in data and technology, builds a digital service ecology for enterprises based on public welfare, and contributes to the high-quality development of listed companies and enterprises to be listed.

I. SSE E-series products support the development of listed companies. Taking information disclosure, investor relations and green development as its core functions, SSE E-service provides one-stop services for listed companies' compliance, governance and development through voting, roadshows, interaction and training; SSE E-voting offers an online platform and on-site tool for thousands of shareholders' meetings of listed companies every year to help shareholders exercise their rights and interests; SSE E-interaction builds a direct communication channel for listed companies and strengthens communication between listed companies and small and medium-sized investors.

II. SSE Roadshow Center builds a publicity channel for market entities. The SSE Roadshow Center actively plays its role as a convergence media platform, strengthens the construction of upstream and downstream rich media ecology, and provides listed companies and other market entities with roadshows, training and interactive services. In 2022, it supported more than 4,500 events on stocks, bonds, funds and derivatives, covering a variety of businesses including earnings announcements, refinancing, major events, IPO offerings and investor services. This highlights its value as a channel and enhances market transparency.

III. Xingqihang Platform serves the growth of companies to be listed. The Xingqihang Platform proactively extends its service to support local technology and financial development, and provides local government agencies with services such as enterprise discovery, screening and evaluation, thus helping the government support and nurture the growth of enterprises. Besides, it helps enterprises connect with the capital market, and provides a series of services such as policy introduction, evaluation guidance, issuance assistance and roadshow training, in the hope of removing market information barriers, pooling market strength and contributing to enterprises' growth.

Going forward, the SSE will continue to uphold its service philosophy, respond to market demand, uphold fundamental principles and break new ground, constantly improve the pertinence and effectiveness of its services, and make every effort to promote the construction of a modern capital market with Chinese characteristics.
