Decision to Suspend the Listing of Ant Group Co., Ltd. on the STAR Market

Ant Group Co., Ltd.:

  Your company had previously applied to list on the STAR Market of the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) on November 5, 2020. Lately, the ultimate controller, the executive Chairman, and the Chief Executive Officer of your company have been summoned to a joint regulatory interview by the relevant regulators, and your company has also reported on material matters including a change in the regulatory environment on financial technology. Due to the material matters reported, your company may no longer meet the conditions for offering and listing, or the requirements for information disclosure. According to Article 26 of the Measures for the Administration of the Registration of IPO Stocks on the Science and Technology Innovation Board (for Trial Implementation) and Article 60 of the Rules of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Governing Review of Offering and Listing of Stocks on the Science and Technology Innovation Board, and after consulting the sponsors, the SSE has decided to suspend the listing of your company. Your company and your sponsors shall make public announcements according to regulations, explain the situations related to the material matters and state that your company is suspended for listing. The SSE will keep in touch with your company and the sponsors.

  Shanghai Stock Exchange

  November 3, 2020
