SSE Investment Grade Corporate Credit Bond Index Series Will Be Launched

Shanghai Stock Exchange and CSI today announce the upcoming launch of SSE Investment Grade Corporate Credit Bond Index Series (10 indices) on Apr 8, 2024, which will be investable benchmarks for investors.

SSE Investment Grade Corporate Credit Bond Index Series selects eligible credit bonds listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange, with corresponding credit rating and residual maturity, issued by issuers who meet the investment grade company standards of the Capital Management Measures for Commercial Banks as the index constituents, to reflect the performance of corresponding investment grade corporate credit bonds.

Regarding the methodologies and more details about the above indices, please refer to the official website of SSE ( and CSI (

Shanghai Stock Exchange

China Securities Index Co., Ltd.

Apr 8, 2024

Methodology of the SSE Investment Grade Corporate Credit Bond Index Series

Constituent List for SSE Investment Grade Corporate Credit Bond Index Series