Northbound Southbound
Eligible Investor All Hong Kong and overseas institutional and individual investors All Mainland institutional investors; Qualified individual investors (with minimum securities and cash asset value of RMB 500,000)
Eligible Participant All SEHK and HKSCC Participants All SSE Members and CSDC Participants
Eligible Securities Constituent Stocks of:
SSE 180 Index, SSE 380 Index, and SSE-SEHK A+H shares

Shares under risk alert and shares that are not traded in RMB
Constituent Stocks of:
HS Composite LargeCap Index, HS Composite MidCap Index, and SSE-SEHK A+H shares

H shares which have corresponding A share under risk alert, A+H on other mainland exchange, and shares that are not traded in HKD

Among the different types of SSE-listed securities, only certain A shares are included in the Northbound stock connect.

To view all Northbound eligible stocks, please visit: